

The stuff you use when all your credit cards are maxed-out.

They say that money isn't everything, and that's true. Problem is -- look how many things it is though.

They say money can't buy friends. It can, however, rent a few now and then.

They also say that money can't buy you true love either. It does however put ya in a good bargaining position.

As for money buying happiness, do you really think the guy with 250 million is any happier than a guy with only 200 million?

When money talks, nobody notices what grammar it uses.

I've got enough money saved for the rest of my life. Well... unless I want to buy something.

Double your money! Fold over once and put it in your pocket.

A Penny Saved Is... "Not Much"

They say that money talks. Mine always says "Good bye!"

Money is the root of all money!

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