* Not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
* A walking argument to support prenatal elimination and reduction of adverse gene pools.
* A room temperature IQ.
* Got a full 6-pack, but lacks the plastic thingy to hold it all together.
* When faced with any adversity, this person would blindly lead them into the fray and persevere until everyone was dead.
* Got into the gene pool while the lifeguard wasn't watching.
* A gross ignoramus -- 144 times worse than an ordinary ignoramus.
* On an charisma scale of one to ten, with ten being best, would score repeatedly in double digit negative numbers.
* A prime candidate for natural deselection.
* Bright as Alaska in December.
* Has the personality of a rock, and that is insulting to granite.
* As a leader, would be followed by others only by object curiosity about disasters in action.
* Gates are down, the lights are flashing, but the train isn't coming.
* So dense, light bends around him.
* If brains were taxed, he'd get a rebate.
* If he were any more stupid, he'd have to be watered twice a week.
* Was left on the Tilt-A-Whirl a bit too long as a baby.
* Wheel is turning, but the hamster is dead.
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